Are you building a custom home or remodeling a well-loved space? Between all the colors, patterns, textures and fabric length, choosing what carpet would be best for your home can be overwhelming. If you know what to look for and which carpets would be ideal for your household and rooms, deciding what to purchase can go from a difficult choice to a fun experience. Use these 5 tips for choosing new carpet and find the perfect product for your home.
You want your new carpet to last a long time. It is truly an investment; choose to spend wisely. Look for carpets that are dense. The denser the fibers, the longer they will stand straight and withstand high levels of traffic. Experts consider nylon carpets to be the most durable of all the available fiber types. Polyester is a more economic choice, but also boasts strong durability.
Resistant to Stains
Stain resistance is an important quality that you should look for in the new carpets you purchase for your home. There are two main ways that manufacturers make carpets more resistant to staining: inherent stain resistance and stain treatment.
Inherent stain resistance begins at the most basic element or your carpet’s makeup — the fiber. These carpets are created using fibers that either do not absorb or only minimally absorb liquid. Many of these carpets are treated to defend against stains as well.
Two types of stain treatments, whole fiber system stain treatment and topical stain treatment, are used by manufacturers to help carpets defend against staining. While topical stain treatment only treats the ends of the fibers, whole fiber system stain treatment is where the entire product is bathed in a stain resistant solution. This keeps even the deepest stains from taking hold.
Stick to a Budget
You can purchase an excellent product for a minimal price if you know the fibers being used and the stain resistance method. Many expensive carpets are made with low quality products and will not last. If it feels cheaply made, it probably is.
The desired texture of your new carpets may be an important factor on which product you choose to purchase. The most durable carpets may not be the softest, yet the plush fibers lack good durability. Be sure to get the most out of your money and find a carpet that meets both needs.
Carpets with low fiber heights tend to be easier to clean and last longer than those with lengthier fibers. Carpets made up of patterns are excellent at hiding stains. If you have children or pets, buying a carpet with a nontraditional texture is an exceptional choice.
A good vacuum is a necessity for keeping your carpet in excellent condition. Regular vacuuming and cleaning will extend the life of your carpets, keeping them looking new much longer. Advantage vacuums offers a great line of products to defend your floors against damaging dirt and debris. For more information, view our Miele Vacuums page.