Why Spend a Little More on a Vacuum Cleaner?

how to choose a good vacuum cleaner

Money does make a difference when determining how to choose a good vacuum cleaner

Everyone needs a reliable vacuum cleaner. These devices have made the jump from a luxury item to a household necessity. With Vancouver residents continuously making more …

Choose the Best Vacuum for Vancouver Dust

Choose the Best Vacuum for Vancouver Dust

As summer approaches and our weather becomes dryer, you may be noticing more dust than usual in your home. The best vacuum for Vancouver dust can make a big difference in your health and well-being.

Many people ask why owning …

It’s Time to Clean the Carpet

vacuums vancouver, vacuums nanaimo

If It’s Clean-Up Time What’s the Best Carpet Vacuums Vancouver to Use?

Even if you are an avid vacuum cleaner enthusiast like I am, eventually your carpets are going to need to be cleaned. You can have one of the …

Is My Vacuum Cleaner Broken?

vacuum cleaner broken, is my vacuum cleaner broken

While it might not seem like it, a vacuum cleaner is a pretty complex piece of equipment. There are quite a few things that can go wrong with one that could prevent it from functioning properly. However, just because something …

Shop Local: Advantage one of Vancouver’s Best Vacuum Stores

Shop Local: Advantage one of Vancouver's Best Vacuum Stores

In a world where big retail outlets and supercenters continuously outdo small businesses and locally-owned stores, many potential customers are overlooking homegrown businesses such as Advantage Vacuums. Chain supercenters provide easy, one stop shopping and competitive prices that draw clients …

Should I Get My Vacuum Repaired?

Should I Get My Vacuum Repaired? Vancouver vacuum repair, Nanaimo vacuum repair

Wondering when to repair Vancouver vacuum cleaners?

Your vacuum cleaner has stopped working. As you sit there and look at the dust and dirt building up in your carpets, you begin to wonder if it is worth heading out to …

Vacuum Cleaner Tips and Tricks that Use Your Vacuum Attachments

Vacuum Cleaner Tips and Tricks that Use Your Vacuum Attachments

What’s the top Vacuum Cleaner Tip? Use your vacuum attachments!

It sits in the corner of your closet only to come out when you need it to clean up the carpet or a spill on the floor. Yes, your vacuum …

Maintenance Tips for Your Vancouver Vacuum

vancouver vacuum maintenance tips

Top Vacuum Maintenance Tips to keep your vacuum cleaner in tip-top shape

The vacuum cleaner is one of the essential cleaning tools in your home. In order to keep it working in top shape, regular maintenance is needed. Here …

Vancouver Vacuum Cleaner Safety Tips

Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips

Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips are Crucial to Safeguard Against Accidents in Your Home

Safety in the home is essential for preventing accidents and injury. This is particularly true around powered devices like a vacuum cleaner. While your vacuum keeps …

Choosing a Vancouver Vacuum for Hardwood Floors

est Vacuum Hardwood Floors Vancouver

So you have probably used a vacuum to clean up your carpets, but why are you still using a broom and dust pan on your hardwood floors?  Vacuums are not just for carpets. They can do a great job on …