
Preventative Maintenance Your Vacuum Will Appreciate

Looking for a way to find a vacuum cleaner repair near me? Here are some preventative maintenance tasks you can perform so you might not even need one.

Wondering if there is a Vacuum Cleaner Repair Near Me?

Are you making sure to keep up on your vacuum maintenance? If you aren’t, then you might find that your trusty old vacuum cleaner needs to make a trip to …

5 Things to Avoid when Caring for Vancouver Vacuums

5 Things to Avoid when Caring for Vancouver Vacuums

When you purchase a new vacuum, you make an investment in the health of your home. That means that you probably want to be sure you always adequately maintain your machine. But do you know what to do when caring …

How Do I Save My Vacuum from My Pets?

vacuum repair burnaby, saving vacuum from pets

Vacuum Tips For Pet Owners – Help Avoid Vacuum Repairs

What is one of the most common causes of the untimely demise of a vacuum cleaner? Pets, of course. We aren’t talking about the dog making a chew toy out …

Other Things to Consider When Buying a Vacuum Cleaner

things to consider when buying a vacuum cleaner

Are you thinking about buying a new vacuum cleaner? Then you are probably trying to make a list of all of the things to consider when you purchase.
The common list will have things like upright vs. canister, bag vs. …

Look Out for These Summer Flooring Threats

vacuums Vancouver, upright vacuum cleaners vancouver, miele service vancouver

Summer is right around the corner.  With summer comes a lot of things that can cause some serious damage to your floor.  While cleaning and vacuuming regularly can surely help to keep your floors clean, being on guard for these …

Advanced Vacuuming Tips for a Serious Home Cleaning

Miele Vancouver service and tips for serious home cleaning

Plug it in, push the on switch and vacuum: that’s probably how you use your vacuum cleaner. It’s the way your mom or dad showed you how to do it, and it is the way you have been doing it …

Carpet Cleaning Tips for Pets

Carpet Cleaning Tips for Pets

Pets are an integral part of every household that they are in. Unfortunately, they are very poor at cleaning up after themselves. Our furry friends can take a heavy toll on the flooring in your home. This is particularly true …

Be Kind to Your Vacuum for Holiday Cleanup

Vancouver vacuums

So the holidays are over, and it is time to put away your favourite decorations for the year. That means sweeping up the messes that are left behind by all of the fun that you had. That also means your …

Should I Get An Upright or Canister Vacuum?

upright or canister vacuum Vancouver

So it is time to get a new vacuum cleaner. There are lots of options available for you to choose from, but which one is the best? The first thing you need to do is narrow down what type of …

Avoid These Vacuuming Mistakes

Avoid These Vacuuming Mistakes. Vacuums Vancouver, Nanaimo

Using a vacuum cleaner isn’t that hard. Or is it? Operating any device can have some quirks to it, and that means room for error. Many people make vacuuming mistakes without even knowing that they are doing it. Here are …