Tagged: Vacuum Cleaner

Why Spend a Little More on a Vacuum Cleaner?

how to choose a good vacuum cleaner

Money does make a difference when determining how to choose a good vacuum cleaner

Everyone needs a reliable vacuum cleaner. These devices have made the jump from a luxury item to a household necessity. With Vancouver residents continuously making more …

Is My Vacuum Cleaner Broken?

vacuum cleaner broken, is my vacuum cleaner broken

While it might not seem like it, a vacuum cleaner is a pretty complex piece of equipment. There are quite a few things that can go wrong with one that could prevent it from functioning properly. However, just because something …

3 Reasons Why Bagged Vacuum Cleaners Haven’t Bit the Dust

3 Reasons Why Bagged Vacuum Cleaners Haven’t Bit the Dust

It is no secret that most modern consumers have followed the bagless vacuum trend. Not having to buy bags is quite appealing and there is still a negative stigma attached to the difficulty of using a bagged vacuum. Most consumers …

6 Tips for Buying a New Vacuum

Vacuum cleaner to tidy up the living room

Buying a new vacuum cleaner can get confusing with all the different styles and products on the market today. At Advantage Vacuums, making your buying experience easy is of utmost importance. Do not get overwhelmed by the many products out …

Tips for Maintaining your Vacuum

Gloved Hands Removing Dirt from Vacuum Cleaner

The vacuum is a vital part to good housekeeping. It affects the air quality of your home, reduces seasonal allergies and lengthens the life of your floors. Vacuums can cost hundreds of dollars, so when you invest in a good …